2017 Sermons
1-1-17: Centripetal Mission in Matthew - Mathias Zahniser
1-8-17: The Baptism of the Lord - Keli Pennington
1-15-17: Going Into Battle - Maci Sepp
1-22-17: Third Sunday After Epiphany - John Brittingham
1-29-17: Welcoming the Immigrant and Refugee - Erika Spring
2-5-17: Were You There? - Tyler Merrill-Caranston
3-5-17: Lent as a Journey of Discernment - B.J. Parker
3-12-17: The Mystery of Faith - Bob Munshaw
3-19-17: Third Sunday in Lent - Christina Smerick
3-26-17: Seeing Faith, Or Not Seeing - Judy Cox
4-2-17: Come and See - Kyle Freeze
4-23-17: The Greatest Tradition of People Who Love To Repeat Themselves - Tyler Merrill-Cranston
4-30-17: Recognizing Jesus - Ben Wayman
5-7-17: One of These Things is Not Like the Other - Maria Koppelberger
5-14-17: Fifth Sunday of Easter - Elizabeth Ahern
6-11-17: A Community of Unity and Love - Georgann Kurtz-Shaw
7-2-17: Ordinary Mystery - B.J. Parker
7-16-17: Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - Christina Smerick
7-23-17: Patiently Waiting for the Harvest - Tori Paulin
8-6-17: How Can We Satisfy - Maci Sepp
8-20-17: Fiesty Women - Niquita Hohm
8-27-17: Don't Believe in Kings - Ben Wayman
9-3-17: Knowing and Going - Judy Cox
Unknown Date: Seventh Sunday of Easter - Keli Pennington
Unknown Date: The Ascension, What's "up" Got to Do with It? - Judy Cox
1-8-17: The Baptism of the Lord - Keli Pennington
1-15-17: Going Into Battle - Maci Sepp
1-22-17: Third Sunday After Epiphany - John Brittingham
1-29-17: Welcoming the Immigrant and Refugee - Erika Spring
2-5-17: Were You There? - Tyler Merrill-Caranston
3-5-17: Lent as a Journey of Discernment - B.J. Parker
3-12-17: The Mystery of Faith - Bob Munshaw
3-19-17: Third Sunday in Lent - Christina Smerick
3-26-17: Seeing Faith, Or Not Seeing - Judy Cox
4-2-17: Come and See - Kyle Freeze
4-23-17: The Greatest Tradition of People Who Love To Repeat Themselves - Tyler Merrill-Cranston
4-30-17: Recognizing Jesus - Ben Wayman
5-7-17: One of These Things is Not Like the Other - Maria Koppelberger
5-14-17: Fifth Sunday of Easter - Elizabeth Ahern
6-11-17: A Community of Unity and Love - Georgann Kurtz-Shaw
7-2-17: Ordinary Mystery - B.J. Parker
7-16-17: Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - Christina Smerick
7-23-17: Patiently Waiting for the Harvest - Tori Paulin
8-6-17: How Can We Satisfy - Maci Sepp
8-20-17: Fiesty Women - Niquita Hohm
8-27-17: Don't Believe in Kings - Ben Wayman
9-3-17: Knowing and Going - Judy Cox
Unknown Date: Seventh Sunday of Easter - Keli Pennington
Unknown Date: The Ascension, What's "up" Got to Do with It? - Judy Cox